August 2, 2007
2 bnchs, vlcno vw
…about the music
A calming Vista for this vista.
Yes, I think the title of this post would be the ad in the classifieds.
Two well placed benches gaze across the San Juan Channel, over Lopez Island, and out to the Cascade mountain range. Flanked by unruly and tempting brambles of blackberries, they face Mt. Baker, a let’s-hope-it-stays-this-way inactive volcano and ski area. This serene spot is right down the road from the place I bang bang hammer dust dust call bang wipe dust home now wipe dust wipe dust wipe more dust give up.
When chaos exists bang bang hammer oops inside your domicile, even in the name of making it more slam whack bang bang wonderful than it may already be, a soothing place like bang crash oops whack this is a real gift.
Robert said,
August 3, 2007 @ 6:53 am
Mother Baker is quiet, but she is not inactive. It has been over a decade since I walked to the top of that mountain, but I remember that the gas from Sherman Crater was quite stinky. I hope this is a good year for blackberries on your island.
U.S. Geological Survey Fact sheet on Mt. Baker
Alex Shapiro said,
August 3, 2007 @ 11:41 am
So far, so good on the berries: two ripe, sweet, early ones were consumed yesterday and by mid-month it looks like there’ll be thousands of them there! All the more of a treat to sit on that bench…
Bill Belote said,
August 4, 2007 @ 3:27 pm
God, you are funny! Construction and dust can be a drag, but it is good to stop and taste the blackberries. Pie is good.
Alex Shapiro said,
August 6, 2007 @ 12:42 am
Pie is good.
Red wine and pie is even better.
Red wine and pie and dark chocolate, followed by a small glass of port: sublime.
(that is, if one is still conscious and not in a diabetic coma).