…info about the music

A dream vista I never imagined when I wrote this tune.

A peek of what I’ll soon call home, and what anyone reading this blog will become drenched in over time: the San Juan Islands. I bet you can grasp why they beckon, even through a tiny airplane window.

Our offer on a beautiful house and property has been accepted, contingent of course on the sale of our current home, which continues to glide smoothly through the escrow process. We also found a great boat that looks like it will be ours after a haul-out assures us it’s as sea-worthy as it feels. Many more photos on all of this to follow, with musical accompaniment, naturally.

How cool to have this blog with which to share images and thoughts about this adventure with everyone! Of course, part of my agenda is to convince others that with a little creativity and a lot of reliable internet connection, we can all live a bit on the edge of things if we choose. For some like me, the edge is really the center. Ahhhhh.

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