…info about the music

Some notes from “Unabashedly,” to accompany this unabashedly loving pair.

Yes, Smudge and Moses’s small contribution to the hallowed tradition of “Friday Cat Blogging” has returned, after a bit of a hiatus. It wasn’t that they were camera shy, but that I was. As has become evident since the start of my little kelp-infested pixelsonic bloglet on January 1st of this year, while I’m not an especially gifted photographer, the paucity of my gifts is particularly evident in my attempts at indoor photography. Unfortunately for my skill set and the neighborhood coyotes, Smudge and Moses (for your score cards, wearing the white and black jerseys, respectively) are indoor cats. Nonetheless, this shot was too cute not to post (only an adoring mother could utter such inanity). Meeeeoow, and have a happy weekend!squirt movies mpegsunset boulevard moviemovies cum swallowmovie sweetest thingtaiwan sex moviesex movies tamilbeast teen moviesteen movies fucking blackthirteen teen moviethe movie pool swimmingweek loan day 3 payhome loan time owner 1sta loan refinancebank america loan mortgageconsolidation debt loans aboutloans ahort termauto online loan abank loans rate home america Map

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